Art of Scars


Art of Scars Book by Kathy Hagler

For readers of Brené Brown and Adam M. Grant, this radical book teaches us to foster healing, compassion, and communication to forge stronger professionals and organizations.

Each of us carries wounds in our bodies, minds, and spirits that can hinder our lives at work and at home. How do we manage these pain points, overcome our fears, and come out stronger on the other side?
Kathy Hagler, industry-leading business consultant and organizational healer, is no stranger to these questions. Drawing on her own remarkable journey through loss, as well as the philosophy of kintsugi—the Japanese art of repairing pottery and appreciating its imperfections—Art of Scars is the modern professional’s guide to personal, professional, and organizational healing.
Hagler’s insights, taken from three decades of work with organizations of all sectors and sizes, guide you through the journey of healing. Art of Scars teaches how to pinpoint the roots of pain, suffering, and distress in your organization and its people, and offers strategies to repair the damage.
Whether you are an individual or an organizational leader, this book will help you start essential conversations and create a path to strength, resilience, and lifelong growth.


Order your copy of Art of Scars today at any of the following retailers:


Kathy Hagler, Ph.D. is founder of K2OHSOLUTIONS. Known as an “organizational healer” in the industry, Kathy partners with organizations through good times, crises, challenges and obstacles, and moves their culture, climate, and character forward with clear vision, strategic intent and success in an ever-changing world.  Both Dr. Peter Drucker and Dr. W. Edwards Demings, long considered the “fathers” of management, were her mentors.

Kathy has a Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate School and the Drucker School of Business Administration.  She has degrees and experience in psychology as well as data and leadership science. She is also certified in many areas including Human Synergistics and Culture Assessment, Strategic Doing and PSYCH-K. 

A practitioner of yoga, an accomplished pianist and exercise enthusiast, Kathy enjoys reading, traveling, and hanging out in North Carolina and Idaho with her husband.

Kathy J. Hagler, Ph.D.
PRESS / Media


Diversity Woman, Spring 2021

The Healing Power of Art
(page 34)

(click to read)

The Agile Strategy Lab Podcast

Road Trip: Learning How to "Do" from Edward Deming

(click to listen)

Herstory Circle Podcast

With Kathy Hagler

(view here)

Be Present: The Diane Ray Show on Unity Online Radio

The Art of Scars with Kathy J. Hagler

(click to listen – Kathy's recording starts at 27:33)

The Steven Jordan Experience

Art of Scars with Kathy Hagler

(click to view)

Resilience Unravelled
with Dr. Russell Thackeray

Kathy Hagler- Healing from wounds.
Art of Scars

(click to view)

MENTORIT.TV | Stay Curious with Patricia Falco Beccalli

How to Heal Organizations with Dr. Kathy J. Hagler and Patricia Falco Beccalli

(click to view)

Conversations with Joan

with Joan Herrmann and Kathy J. Hagler

(click to view)

Creating a Thriving Culture in 2022 with Human Synergistics and Dr. Kathy Hagler

Creating a Thriving Culture in 2022 - YouTube

(click to view)

Your Superior Self: Art of Scars with Trey Downes and Kathy Hagler

Your Superior Self: Art of Scars- Kathy Hagler (

(click to view)

Unity Magazine

The Art of Scars

(click to view)

Human Synergistics International

Changing to a Thriving Culture

(click to view)



ABC’s of Murmuration: Collective Wisdom of Nature by Kathy Hagler and Robin L. Graham


Excited to share that my co-authored book with Robin L. Graham is officially available!

ABC's of Murmuration: Collective Wisdom of Nature invites readers to harmonize personal growth, team collaboration, and community unity, all inspired by the mesmerizing dance of starling murmurations. Order your copy today and learn more at

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